Division of Mathematical Sciences E-mail: hemant (dot) tyagi (at) ntu (dot) edu (dot) sg Office: SPMS-MAS-05-44 |
High-dimensional statistics, Numerical analysis, Optimization, Statistical learning theory, Inverse
problems on graphs
Multiple PhD and postdoc positions available in 2025, see here for details. Before emailing me, please read the job-description carefully.
(3 February 2025 - ) Nanyang Associate Professor (on Tenure-track) at NTU Singapore in the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the SPMS [on secondment from Inria]
(December 2018 - 31 January 2025) Tenured Researcher (CRCN) at Inria Lille - Nord Europe in the MODAL team
(2016-18) Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, London also affiliated to the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
(2012 - 2016) PhD student at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zurich
(2008-2011) MSc in Communication Systems, EPFL
(2006-2008) Senior Engineer, Ittiam Systems
(2006) B.E in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NIT Surathkal
[Talks] [Curriculum Vitae]